Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Four Happiness to SHARE for the month of October

During 10 Oct-14 Oct National Convention, I won the 
Championship for Mandarin Speech Contest 2012

Secondly, I also won THE MOST CREATIVE VIDEO AWARD for 
"A Gift of Life Video Contest". 
For those who support for my video, I truly appreciate it in million, since this is the first time I involve in video contest.

 Above picture is just for illustration, not for playing purpose.

Third, I score SECOND UPPER for my Gamma Year Semester 1. Well, not as good as what my parents thought, but I am truly grateful, as I didn't fail any of my subject due to organize two big event as ONE NET ONE LIFE CHARITY CONCERT and DIANA LIU MUSIC SHARING SESSION.

Fourth, tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY. What so special yohh? 21th ma. =)
Stay Tune.

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