Monday, October 29, 2012

CIMB Asia Pacific Classic 2012- Golf Tournament (Part 1)

This is the first time that I get so near to golf and golf fans. Thanks to Hin Choong, Bone, Stephen Volker, Rick Currin and etc. Well I use to know tiger wood who play golf but nothing more than that. My friend was cute claiming that Tiger is not from Malaysia? Haha, yeap definately no. He is from USA. For sure there are more great golfer other than he does. Example like my current favourite - JBE Kruger. The listing of the winner is different everyday and everyday he will gives you surprise. Today JBE might be No.1, tomorrow he is No.4. Van Pelt who use to be the champion for 2012 turns out to be No.3 this year. Uncertainties.

Never knew playing golf can build muscle one hand. As I tried and getting muscle sore. Hope it doesn't end up a mouse big muscle will do. Learning all new terms call chipping, E (even), flight scope, club and etc. Mixing around with all the golf fans. They are friendly and much respected. Age range between 7-55 years old and remember to excuse the middle range. As you can hardly find people who range about my age. 20-30 years old. Not to say not at all, but hardly. You can see daddy bringing his son or family come and watch. And many more handsome guy wearing in fashion PUMA, NIKE, and other branded suits walking by like having a cat walk.

You can see some of the old speaking to you nicely, sharing their experience about golf with enthusiasm shimmering eyes. They said, people in Malaysia use to have an idea that golf is only a sport for the rich. Wrong! It is not until you get to really know it.

More to talk about in my next post. Stay tune!

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