Monday, October 29, 2012

CIMB Asia Pacific Classic 2012- Golf Tournament (Part 2)

 Confession: I am not a flight attendance, I am just wearing a shirt sponsor by Malaysia Airline.
Early in the morning you got to standby at there. So you got to wake up as early at 5:30am.
Another good training for me to sleep early.
When you reach there, you can't even spot the sun. 

 Breathtaking view, just lack of DSLR feel.

 BNW sponsoring the event. That is why i got the chance to invade the car for a while.

 Remember to have fun whenever you are.

 You got to try out hitting the golf as well.
Well, the game is call NEAREST TO THE LINE. 
With the sensor name FLIGHT SCOPE. It measures your accuracy in hitting the point straight. 
And telling you how much your golf ball divert.
You got to try these, as my first tries trigger my muscle A LOT. I use to think why the coach get red faces or even sweat like hell after hitting a few. Now I can feel that heat. 

Running towards the aircorn and hug it.

 I got no idea how to post with the iron 7 T.T
 Watching the golf tournament, hanging around under the hot sun with a cap or umbrella is like so fun. People don't mind getting red face after the game. Well, you can hardly determine who is from which country. As Malaysian after getting tan, it makes them looks like a Japanese, Indonesian, Philippine, and etc. I can see a few like Jeremy from Malaysia can get into the look of Korean after getting tan. Cool, I think if it is me I might look like from Thailand.

Throughout the four days you got to keep talking, keep smiling and keep standing. 0.0
Cause someone stole the chair from us.After the whole day, you won't be mind sitting on the dusty and dirty carpet. Not bad, got two tv to watch from my side.
One is about LIVE golf tournament and another is Astro. 

Can you see how they promote and watch at the same time? 

Too much crap about myself yeah. Let's do some intro with the great coach I met during the four days. They are nice coach. 

 Stephen Volker
Head Golf Professional 
Celebrity Fitness @ Midvalley

 Rick Currin
General Manager
Class AA PGA Teaching Professional 
City Golf @ Bangsar

I actually forget his name. 
He got a nice WHATT pronunciation. 
He is one of the pro coach as well. =)

Last, is my partner, Koon. 
My only partner during the 4 days. 
I learn a lot during these four days. Bless. Looking forward for more experience so that I can be more clear about what I am interested and passion of the in coming near future. Real near. I got less then a year to discover. Please pray for me.

Little brother Marlin can hit the golf ball pretty straight, he only got 7 years old.
Big brother in white shirt- Louis, pretty shy and nice guy. So pretty.

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