Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Enlarge your mistake and learn from it

Well, this is my upper right leg. The murderer is scissors. It cuts me 11.5cm long. From time to time, when I look at it, I can imagine the pain deep inside. Scream blood. I cut my left hand as well. Two long stroke, and first time seeing my blood gushing through my skin.

First thought is like, when is it going to stop bleeding? Then I start to feel sleepy. First time not dressing my injuries as well. Heard that it will recover faster and left no scar. Better no scar.

The injuries remind me of words. Words is just like a sharp knife. That can help you get the things you want faster and it can hurts you deep inside as well. People always think that sorry can cover the injuries clean and clear. They never know the scar left behind uncover for the whole life. It left good and bad memory behind. Depend on which episode you choose.

Now I  learn a lesson. Never get yourself hurt. You deserve to be treat in better way. Well, after going through series of ups and downs even breakdown. I slowly discover my dream. Modelling? Tourist Guide? Emcee? Let you think about it. Well it can never be event manager or financial director. Cause I really do shit in that field. I am serious. Never step into the shit you can do no good but something you confidence of.

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