Thursday, November 15, 2012

Asia New Star Model Contest 2012 "Face of Malaysia"

Dear my readers, let's put our hand together and pray for me kay? Tomorrow I am going for the photo shooting at Amber Chia Academy. The place I always wish to step in, but I never did. This is my second time participating in model contest. Frankly speaking, for the first one, I got brush off the list during the top 12 participants.

I know I got more to learn to reach the stage. No one is born to be a winner. Perhaps yes but 1% out of the world. 99% of them got to work hard and strive of their dream. Don't give up so easily. I am glad that BF Jay is supportive for me going through this contest. And thanks to my friends encouragement to go for it. Yes, here I am. It is definitely a try or never. If I lost, I would be glad that Amber Chia Academy, and me myself giving a chance for myself to TRY and EXPERIENCE the shine.

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