Thursday, November 29, 2012

Delicious @ MidValley

Lovely Dovy Pumpkin Soup - Super Thick Cream
Somehow I still prefer ...The Garden- Pumpkin Soup. Just nice, not too thick.
My favorite seafood spaghetti 
free warm water for you while waiting.

The Delicious -the environment here is kind of HOT. Most probably because of the spot light or else. 
It makes the place become stuff. If you are here for cakes and coffee it would be nice. But to dine in, um you feel unreasonable tired.

Seoul Garden @ Paradigm Mall

They said the world is going to end in near 21 Dec 2012. 
Do you believe in it? Well I present on the topic during my Foundation year in MMU and once again in my Beta year. As it always amaze me not until now. The weather can get PMS !! 
Look at the dark sky... it is deep grayish black than it looks at the pictures.

Are you ready for the doomsday>? Haha well let's come back.

The other day I was so excited with my first time dine in Seoul Garden @ Paradigm Mall.
Well, quite disappointed as their is nothing much for buffet and it is kinda expensive as well. 
The only thing I found fresh is those survivors below....

I was so sad as I planned to go for Chilli on that day but it ends up the restaurant close due to company trip =.= What!!!! Why I have no fate at all with it... please. bring it to me....

 For the pass few round of refilling my plate, I only took these....

What more awkward things happen is, when I am taking picture around the restaurant, 
someone come to me and says, HEY MISS YOU CANNOT TAKE PICTURES.

What the hell wrong with them? I am helping you to promote your restaurant. Too bad and too late to ask why as I was piss of.. not only because of these because I am forced to pay before I can took a peek to what am I going to eat. The design of the frying and cooking area is bad as well. I get the spike of oil residue ever since I want to cook and fry. Ma!!! It burns my fingers.

When you are trying to show to them telling them your veges aren't fresh, they just swing their hands few seconds they just walk away like nothing happen. GOD!! Please don't visit Seoul Garden at these branch. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Fall and The Rise

I never regret of what I have done, but I regret if I never get the chance and step out my very first step to even TRY. Participating in Asia New Face Model is definitely a great experience for the Audition. I am require to do the cat walk, self intro, Q & A and talent. I must said I totally not prepared. I know the contest is not the best place to learn but is for those who are ready and learnt, and continue learn.

Yea, that is my first crime, my second crime is over expecting myself to be something at there. I must say when you are there, they a thousand of people looks gorgeous than you and prepared to shine. I must congratulated and salute for those who are ready and selected for the semi final.

Third crime is skipping my class, there is always an opportunity cost you got to paid to do something you want. Yes I must say I got a BIG LOST in my academic. And I am not regret. Is okay I tell myself. what's is important is things in front of you. Make thing right and do the right things.

My purpose of participating in this contest is to prove myself can be better than what I am now- growth. Second is to change people mindset about what a model really is. For me, I wish to bring positive message to the community through this and inspire people to make the world a better place. You tell me doomsday is coming. Oh common, we have better things to do rather than worry about something that will never get happen right. Cheers.

I will divert most of my focus on my academy for now. Plan well for my new intention for contest, biz bees product selling, sponsorship package and etc. Is more than enough for me. Yes more to come. I AM READY.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Asia New Star Model Contest 2012 "Face of Malaysia"

Dear my readers, let's put our hand together and pray for me kay? Tomorrow I am going for the photo shooting at Amber Chia Academy. The place I always wish to step in, but I never did. This is my second time participating in model contest. Frankly speaking, for the first one, I got brush off the list during the top 12 participants.

I know I got more to learn to reach the stage. No one is born to be a winner. Perhaps yes but 1% out of the world. 99% of them got to work hard and strive of their dream. Don't give up so easily. I am glad that BF Jay is supportive for me going through this contest. And thanks to my friends encouragement to go for it. Yes, here I am. It is definitely a try or never. If I lost, I would be glad that Amber Chia Academy, and me myself giving a chance for myself to TRY and EXPERIENCE the shine.

Colmar Tropical aka Bukit Tinggi

 Despite of the gloomy sky, I still insist going for the trip. 
Talking to God, saying please rain for now, but once I reach, please shine on me. 
My wishes come true.

 It sounds funny, I must admit, this is my first time going to Colmar Tropical T.T
So so touch. I finally landed on there.

Assisting with Google Map, we just reached. 

 It is Public Holiday, 13 Nov 2012.
Many people gathered here.

 I have always dream to be a ballet dancer. Never can be, cause I don't have the financial to be one. 
Now, I got another dream to be a model. I have no idea why I wish to be tall when I grown up. 
Now that make some sense. 

 Notice the bubble beside me? 

 Way to the Japanese House. Well, you can get to try out the kinomo outfit here for minimum 10 minutes. I tried million times when I was President of Japanese Cultural Society. So I am more than satisfied when I reach =)

 Meet Bonita. All of the horses got their own name. 

 On the way back home, we saw a lost Monkey. He stop by and grab the paper bag and eat. 
Guess he is too much hungry.
Thanks for your time, looking forward for the next trip yeah!