Saturday, February 6, 2016


Morning! I am here to steal your time to bring you around Seoul. Tee-hee. Success, you spend 5 seconds ready my statement. OK, stop the crap start brat for my Day 5. Amazing day, cause my new buddy agree to go Dongdaemun to see the LED flowers with me. I am a stubborn girl, when I decided to visit certain place. I will go for it.

We have change our accommodation to [MYEONGDONG] airbnb Nick &MJ's flatM. Awesome place to stay, me and my friend got a super comfy queen size bed EACH to jump and sleep on. The owner is super duper friendly to solve our problem in the middle of the night. Well, I am not encouraging you to disturb or prank people at night hehe. Funny discovery, the door lock is using heat sensor to initiate. I was looking at my friend for 15 seconds and say, we don't have a key to initiate. Everything super hi-tech, specially the toilet with buttons. Better experience while you Poo!

Another funny incident is me and my friend lost our phone in SEOUL. For sure we get it back at last. I left my phone in the ex hotel- Nox Hotel, cause showing the receptionist to find out where is our next hotel. While grabbing a taxi for us, he forget to return my phone. For my friend, she left in taxi because of shallow pocket. We are so F* up that day, stranded in a hotel to get in touch with ex hotel and try to get back the phone in taxi.

Spent 3 hours finally get back our phone. This only happen in Korea, not else where. We are lucky. I left my travel bag outside the toilet area, it's still there after I am done. Again, I am not encouraging you to left your stuff anywhere to test the security in Korea. hehe.

Checking out some cute snacks while waiting for other buddies to arrive and gather. Where are we heading? Dongdaemun Station-Line 1/ Line 4 exit 8/9.

Refer to the picture below, don't envy my cute socks, I get it in Seoul Myeongdong just for RM3. I grab quite a few and after 6 months still my favorite thing to wear while I am travelling. The quality is good and it looks good.

Dongdaemun is an absolute amazing place to go, there are 3 big shopping mall link next to each other. Purfect place for us to shop. Lotte, Fashion Mall, and AmPm. I will advise you to go late afternoon and stay until night to see the transition of the night view. Splendid, I am about to cry to see the scene.I bought boxes and boxes of seaweed in the mall. My favorite, with special discount, the Ah Ju mah likes me. 

This is something I missed. I would love to go. Advise don't go on Monday. It's closed. My Europe friend introduce this. He told me it's an speechless experience. 

All their mall are specially designed. Look at the floor is made of glass with sand and gold flakes underneath. What so special about the picture below? I was trying to check out a guy with ginger red hair. Oh, I thought that what we all do when we are in Seoul. Check out every beautiful soul guy and girl with beautiful features. Also the scenery, BONUS dang~ We chill until late evening to wait for my LED flowers to lit up. (devil ME)

So beautiful right, I hope to see this again with the individual I love. I don't mind to go again. O I almost cry my lungs out for joy to see this. Mission checked. After that, we are meeting up another owl who just woke up hungry. Back to Myeongdong. 

My rave fam- Badim from Ipoh and Chee Man from Terrenganu. After dinner, we go to coffee shop to chill some more until the night turns cold. This time we don't want to go home. So sick and started to miss my time in Seoul already. 

My rave family is the present I got and will appreciate throughout my life for having them. The reason I love rave---SO many reason to keep loving these people.

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