Thursday, June 13, 2013

Daddy's Day 2013 Gift to Give

Dress by ThreeSixty in Publika 

Decided how to celebrate your Daddy's Day? Family gathering, fishing with daddy, or just laze at home and give your daddy a good massage and a self-cooked meal. There is many ways to cherish your daddy, and I would say everyday is a daddy's day if you appreciate them each and everyday for bring you to this world.

Do you ever wonder why majority congratulate mummy for getting pregnant for doing a good job? What about our superman daddy? They do great too.

This weekend you may dress up your daddy like a Beckham. You may choose series of trendy ties and bow ties instead of making him black and white like a man in black. Buying him a slip-on shoes may be a good idea too. Daddy seldom care about their worn out shoes. Or buying them a pair of chic sunglasses?

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