Monday, March 4, 2013

Miss Chipao Malaysia 2013 (Part 1)

All photos are credited to Valentino Choo Photography, Kelvin Sing and Benggy Yong.

First time involving in beauty pageant, so let me share with you the journey of it. 
This event is mainly to promote Malaysia Heritage Cultural. 

We call this Kebaya- traditional wear of Malay.

Here we have the gorgeous Cheongsam sponsored by 
Emerald Brilliant Cheongsam Boutique

This is the first time for me to wear on Cheongsam, it is a wonderful experience for me to try on the best of the best too.  

First time entering 12 finalist, thanks to the support from my friends and family also Jay.
Datin is helping me to wear the satch.

After the whole day event- the semi final end with the born of 12 finalist
here you not only win the experience but also friendship. 

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