Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Malaysia International Jewellery Festival 2013 (Spring Edition)

Does this title sounds familiar to you? If you are following me, YES. I join them for the second time.
What is the different is, this time I join them with additional responsibility-> Emcee for OC.
Interesting experience. Thanks to Hin Choong. I am blessed with all kinds of experience.

This time we able to meet VIPs, Datin- datin and Dato Dato, as well as the familiar exhibitors. 
Just that this time not much of them joining. Same as the visitors.
Perhaps the Undi Day is falling soon. They think of better stay at home. 

Still we get to meet different customers. Some are easy and friendly, some are hard to entertain. Still this is kind of training. We get to use the new credit machine, which is getting more complicated to use than last time. And the 24 technical service is lousy. We face some complication during the fair, and we call them at 5:30pm. Called up for 3 times, no people pick up and end up we solving it out after one hour. And the Nero technical team only call us back around 8pm. No sure if they understand what is the meaning of urgency and 24 hours on desk service. 

With the deputy Manager-Connie as well as my "best bunny friend-Serina"
Here we get to know more colleague such as Gary, Phillip, Jack, Ada, Winnie, Celia, Maggie and etc.
They are all humorous and interesting people to work with. 
Interesting to met her, Winnie Kok. 
Finally I summon up my courage and ask her for the pictures.
Well, I must say at first I don't know who is she. All in my mind is, she is definitely pretty. 

The friendly Exhibitor- Hilary Schwartz. She designed her collection. With much impress, I learn from her. 
It is amazing to meet her again. See the difference? 

Joyce, the one who take care of me and my bunny friend. 
She shares with us a lot about her experience and guide us in doing everything. 

We learn quite a few new nouns for Cantonese as well. LOL.
Great to feel as in Senior, since we worked last time, so we get quite familiar, just need to brush up our rusty memory.

Again with my bunny friend. We eat fish ball, salad and nasi lemak every morning. Isn't it great to have someone who eat with you, talk to you, make up together, being naughty and etc. After so long, we go eat Subway together and explore more in KLCC. Not like last time, we rush back home after work. 

Holding back, she is leaving KL real soon. Since she is going to graduate. Another promise for you my bunny friend. I sure will attend your graduation, no matter what. I am gonna miss you like hell. And I appreciate our relationship. Someone comes and go in your life. We cannot have him or her forever. 

Thanks for your hanging neko. I will keep it nicely. I really like cats a lot. No matter fat or thin, old or small. I like. What to do? Don't make me choose between cats and dogs. Cause you know which one i will choose. 

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