Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to ALL!

 What is your plan for Christmas? 
Go out with friends to do the countdown? Dine out? Get drunk?
Well, for me is stay home with your love one and eat home. You will never know how amazing you are until do cook all the dishes yourself. Taste real good. 

Remember to sketch your resolution 2013 before it is too late, start doing it now! 
I got a month list of it, left 3-4 more spaces to fill up.

Moment of sharing with homework I did for Christmas!! 

The unexpected London Boys mini concert. 

Trees in major shopping mall in KL.


  1. Haha. I'm looking forward for more cooking specially from you :D

    Thanks babe for the Lovely Meal indeed.

    1. My dear, I looking forward for yours too. Um I didn't cook, I just help to prepare the food =D Your cutting for garlic make the different, don't cha? Feel free help to click on the stupid Advert. Thx and love you.
