Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bella Awards *She Sparkles*

A host? To be a host? Yes, I am in love with it. Previously I was engaging in being an emcee and shining on it. Well, now it is time for me to prove what I have got. I just come across this event recently while surfing net. It consists of interesting element of the story behind. I get motivated and I hope I can get to inspire more people to be one of the contestant as well --to be a host or an impactful women in near future.

There are a few dates and time for walk in interview and I will be going for it next week. What about you? 
Chances don't wait for you to say "uh let me think over it."

2nd Dec - 1Utama Shopping Centre
7th Dec - Lot 10
8th Dec - KLCC
9th Dec - Sunway Pyramid

I always believe, I might not be one for today, I will be one for tomorrow. Never give up on yourself even the whole world give you up. NEVER LOSE HOPE. You deserve better when you are paid off with your hard work! Work smart, work hard isn't enough.

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