Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Karen in Taipei 2014: Day 3 Tamsui Old Street, Guandu Nature Park, Shilin Night Market

MRT: 西门(Ximen)-台北车站(Taipei Main Station)-淡水(Tamsui)

Take some time out of the city; Tamsui (淡水河岸和老街) is an awesome place to be in. The scenery here is calm and harmony. Local people own their shop in the Old Street, selling interesting foods and souvenir. The only word I want to express after coming here is very “LOCO”.  Tourists prefer to travel across the river using ferry, but I am more interested to discover the people here in Tamsui. Most of the local people here is aged 35 years old and above. They are totally friendly. There is a saying that come here need to eat the fish ball soup, I don't know which one is nice for real. Cause there are more than 3 stalls selling fish ball soup.

You can choose to cycle around the nearby the river, there is a pathway for cyclist. It is also good place for you to bring along your pet. I found this interesting thing is they provide plastic bags for dog pop and encourage a clean city.

Fried bird eggs and fried yam cookies.

MRT: 淡水(Tamsui)- 关渡 (Guandu)

Operating Hour

Tuesday to Sunday
*Closed on Monday*

I spent 2 hours in Tamsui and moving back to MRT to catch the next train to Guandu Nature Park (关渡自然公园). It is one of the tourism hotspot. After reaching Guandu, you are required to walk 500m to be there by following the direction board. Good news -it closes on MONDAY. Remember Monday is a public holidays for all the government tourism hotspot.

So we go for lunch nearby, order the most common food you can find in Taiwan- Braised pork on rice (卤肉饭). Guandu is a residential area, so it is kind of quiet here, and not much happening. You can see tall and wealthy suite, condominium and cars. I walked for 30 minutes only found a shop nearby to eat. It is not surprise the taste is not as good as the city’s food. After revive from the fatigue walk because kind of lost in the residential area, we move to the next station, Shilin Night Market (士林夜市).

MRT: 关渡 (Guandu)- 士林(Shilin)

Shilin Night Market is the famous night market in Taipei. Believe me there are more night market you would like to discover apart from Shilin. Shilin food is nice, if I were to recommend you, I would not recommend Shilin because there is A LOT of people here. You see people queuing more than the food.
One of my favourite Taiwan street foods in Shilin is this: Taiwanese Oyster Omelette (蚵仔). It is 78% cooked. I like the almost fully cooked taste. AWESOME!! I would say, cause after day 3 I can’t get the same taste again in other Taipei street food stall. Nom nom nom…

This is some special “hot grass jelly” dessert and charcoal barbeque meat roll. Just check out the food the people take time to queue for.

This is basically my Day 3 in Taipei, if you realize I am not a shopping addict, I am more to food hunter. Looking forward for my Day 4 Wulai Hot Spring and Meng Jia Long Shan Temple 

Here is a small notes for my love one. I know you are going to read this, but I am not sure when. 
Today is 2014/5/20, try to read it in Cantonese is "爱你一世,我爱你"- ngoi lei yat sai, ngo ngoi lei.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Karen in Taipei 2014: Day 2 Ximending, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall and Wu Fen Pu (Part 2-END)

MRT: 西门 (Ximen)-国父纪念馆 (Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall)

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall
No Entry Fees
Operating Hours

This is a great location to go if you are fancy about the historical background of Taiwan. It's state in one of the MRT station. Take the MRT that is heading to 南港展览馆 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center.

The day I went there, the weather start to get cold and wet. The rain drizzle and each of my picture is taken in the small rain. I can't capture it, but if I capture it 90 degree, you will see it and it will be the last picture I shown here. Cause my camera is not water proof. Taipei got a lot of cuteness overflowed accesories, how I wish I can buy my camera a raincoat instead of myself.

The rain here is pretty friendly, not like Malaysia--over friendly.

You can actually enjoy the spectacular view of Taipei 101. Perfectly I didn't want to travel up there to see the whole Taipei 101. I prefer to see it from far.

Again thanks to my parents taking turn to help me snap pictures. I like to be the model inside the pictures, so I learn that, next time if you want to travel, bring at least a friend with you. Don't travel alone.

MRT: 国父纪念馆(Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall)-后山埤 (Houshanpi)

I spend 2 hours in the hall and leave to go 五分埔 Wufenpu Commercial District. This place is famous of wholeselling clothes and accesories. A lot of youngster come here. Night market operate here as well. So it's a wonderful 1 stone kills 2 birds plan too. Eat and shop.

To my amaze is you can see fashionista dogs with their pretty and handsome boutique owners or shoppers.