Saturday, April 5, 2014

Karen in Taipei 2014: Day 2 Ximending, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall and Wu Fen Pu (Part 1)

 This is my brunch with my parents. Duck Noodles. It's not bad to try if you got the budget. NT500 for 1/4 duck. You can find this shop facing the main road in Xi Men Ding. 

I will recommend if you would like to buy fruits, don't buy it by the road side. It's the first time I buy fruits for NT900. The price is unreasonable, once the aunt put your selected fruits, deal's on.

Basically NT900 you can buy a big box of cherry and that can last you for 1 month. Okay run to the next place, around Xi Men actually you can discover many interesting things or buildings or even graffiti I discover below. All these are really awesome, that you can't even describe using words. 

Get my mum one fashionable picture. My mum photo taking skill improved a lot since. But my pose always good-girl-look cause parents around, need to behave a little. If next time is with my friend, you will see a lot of interesting pictures ahead.

This is a Japanese Restaurant, the way they make it into train concept restaurant amaze me. People stop by looking at the mouth watering sushi align on the conveyor belt. 

Besides, you can find a lot trendy shoes, clothes, bags or any accessories you want from A-Z in Xi Men Ding as well. The price is reasonable. 

Next stop is 西门红馆 Xi Men Hong Guan (Museum)

Stuff exhibit and souvenir can be bought here. 

Stay tune for part 2.

Karen in Taipei 2014: Day 1 Ximending and Gong Guan Night Market

It has been a month since I am back from Taiwan. This is the first time I travel oversea, together with my lovely daddy and mummy. Truly appreciate those who help me throughout the journey. I don't want to join any tour but plan it myself, I get terrible in planning in the beginning as I plan to travel the whole Taiwan in 10 days. I laugh at my statement after coming back from Taiwan. Cause I spent 7 days in Taipei, and I still didn't manage to travel all the to-go-place. Taiwan is a beautiful land with beautiful cultural and I got the advantage in this piece of land because my mother language is Chinese. 

Once I reach Tao Yuan Airport, first thing I do is to go and purchase the unlimited 3G online and calling service. Every brand works fine, the one I choose is "IF" that cost me NT600 for 10 days including 25 minutes phone call. You know young people like me cannot live without internet connection, is like maroon in an island. Not that serious, but I still wish to keep in touch with the news and information and most importantly my friends in Malaysia and Taiwan.

Next get your bus ticket heading to Taipei.

国光客运 Guo Guang Bus Service
Bus No: 1819
Cost: NT 125 per person (One Way)
Around 1 hour depend on the traffic, from Tao Yuan Airport to Taipei Main Station

You got to wait here for the bus.

Take a nap and when you open your eyes you will reach Taipei Main Station. For me I prefer to enjoy the view of Taiwan infrastructure along the journey. Cause I am staying in XI MEN FAN DIAN 西门饭店, there is free shuttle to Xi Men Ding 西门町. So it's kind of convenient, you just walk into Guo Guang Bus Service Station, wait inside there will people calling you to go to bus, when the bus is ready. 

西门町 Xi Men Ding
Must Eat: 香香鸡排 Xiang Xiang Ji Pai (Fried Chicken) & 阿宗面线 Ah Zhong Mian Xian (Ah Zong's Noodles)

香香鸡排 Xiang Xiang Ji Pai (Fried Chicken)

阿宗面线 Ah Zhong Mian Xian (Ah Zong's Noodles)

Get one of the Easy Card to travel using the MRT is superb convenient specially during the peak hour, you need to not queue up. You may reload NT500, no worries about the balance that is not used, you going to get it back upon the return of the card. As long as you remember to return the card before you left. 

Settled my lunch with those small snacks that you can get in Xi Men Ding, next got to settle my dinner in Night Market. Taipei is famous of Night MarketS. Yea you notice the "S" I got after the night market. There are lots of Night Market you can reach within MRT. If you favor in eating then you follow the right blog, cause I am more to food, place and people. Not shopping in the mall type. That makes no different I shop in my own country, just different currency and price tag. 

OK I am heading to 公馆 Gong Guan Station.
So when you wanna take the train, find the notice board state going to 新店 Xin Dian 

公馆夜市 Gong Guan Night Market
Must Eat: 青蛙撞奶 Qing Wa Zhuang Nai (Milk Shake with Pearl) & 割包 Ge Bao

 There is reason people queue up for this, and I must say whenever you saw people queue up for the food, make sure you check it out. Even local queue for it, can you imagine?
青蛙撞奶 Qing Wa Zhuang Nai (Milk Shake with Pearl)

My daddy like this very much, so just to share with you guys, you can get economy food with economy price. I bet you can eat a lot in Night Market. Even small snacks can keep your stomach full and happy.

No cultural shock ok, people are standing on the right side instead of left (Malaysia). 
So let's follow the cultural of Taiwan. Fast land is on the left.

After hours spend in the Gong Guan Night Market, is time to go back to my hotel.
When you want take MRT, check for the notice written to 中正纪念堂 Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall/ 西门 Xi Men.

Xi Men Ding is definitely a great place to stay as for tourist, cause walking distance to MRT and there is a lot of happening in here. It's like Penang in Malaysia. 

I am lucky to witness performance by a jazz drummer in Taipei.
李科颖 Ke Ying
He got a lot of FANS. I mean a lot.

You may watch his video below: 

Special Thanks:

Thanks to Jackson intro and guide throughout the journey.
Thanks to my parents for sponsoring me for this trip.