Friday, March 8, 2013

Second year Sem 2 BREAK

Have you spend your holidays well? This is the first time I got 4 weeks holidays since I enter my Uni life. You may find it funny as the longest I got since then is only 2 weeks. It is a true truth.

Talk since I finish my final exam, well I use to finish my paper earlier than others and rush out with satisfaction, and going home to get more rest. Rather than staying inside the freaking cold hall, waiting for the God of death come and collect your paper. People tend to say "hey Karen, you are genius, finish your paper so fast!!". I would always reply and say "Sometime is because you do not know the answer, and no matter how long you stare at the paper, the answer will never emerge, so I leave". Need more explanation? Don't think wrong on me, I score well, but not 100% student. Good news is, I got safe zone in first class for this time. Umm, another first time for me. Since I changing my course from Engineering to Management, life didn't seem to be smooth as I wish.

Well, what makes my tremendous change in my grade? I would say, focus I got. Previously I dedicate a lot of time for my coco even I got exam. Now stop doing all these and FOCUS to graduate with good grade. That good for me, in between I am doing freelance and part time for others to earn my extra pocket money to buy things that I want. not asking from my parents to do that. They have pay more than enough for my lifestyle expense for 22 years. How much debt I have cost? Can't count even using my hair.

Just piece of sharing of my holidays. How I spend my four weeks?

(1) Chinese New Year (week 1)
For sure, going back to my hometown is always the best present for my parents. So I was thinking of doing something surprise for my mum. See how it works, cannot carry too much empty promise. It is a crime. Well, it is great to gather with all my family members, as it is the first time since 2 years back my eldest sister join us. To make the puzzle of my family complete. I almost my eldest sister getting married, and I was asking my mum, where is sis? Haha. Not to forget my lovely gramma who is 89 years old for now, taking care of me since young. Love to see her again.

(2) Discovering Red Alert 2
I know your face must be =.=, Red Alert 2 had accompanying me since my primary school, thanks to my uncle for introducing me this game. I can get quite addicted last time. Now I actually can no more find this game back in 2003. Ten years ago. Wow, some how thanks to my friend Rais Hakim for sharing me the link, download it, and play it. Though there is some problem when you execute the game, but everything turns up alright when you are playing it.

(3) Sending my spoil device for repair
What to do, whenever you want to get your device repair, the service center always locate in the middle of the city of KL. Finally I got more than enough time to travel and visit the SONY Service Center in KLCC. Blessed. Hope to see my camera alright in the next 2 weeks. Keep praying.

(4) Arrange your dog room, THROW AWAY unused stuff
Why I said so, cause I always use to mess up my room when I get busy with my academic session. I can never explain why I can mess it after 1-2 days massive cleaning process. It is a process, to keep arrange, and throw away rubbish, things that I bought but I will never use it now and after this. So, don't buy thing that you really don't need. It curse you to put them in place until they are expired.

(5) Miss Chipao Malaysia 2013
This is another reason of why I am coming back from my hometown so early than I use to right after the new year. Result is, I didn't get into the top 3, but the finalist is more than enough for me to get experience. Thanks for my sister, my sister bf, family and friends also Jay for supporting me throughout the event. More experience been shared in the upcoming blog.

(6) Getting yourself a portrait
Another thanks to MA Production for sponsoring the amazing experience in portrait shooting as well. I have get the permission to use the photo for Inori Malaysia Couple Contest. And eventually we got the champion. Still awaiting for the award ceremony update since then. No news... will see.

Picture by Mohammad Fallahi

(7) Joining Part Time
Earn some extra pocket, so I got to start from here. It is extra tired than the part time I have done before. It is 11am-9pm helping CN Beauty and Healthy doing promotion. Meeting new friends is the destiny. On the other hand, I was helping AppCollection Sdn Bhd as publicity executive. Job not yet done until the product guide is done. Starting everything from zero and need to compute every single details myself include content, design, photos, and etc. Nothing is easy. Here is a time to learn. So I can feel my holidays is not waste.

(8) Joining Big and Small event and workshop
It is amazing that I am able to join so much event due to the flexibility of my time. Including the launching of Blackberry Zen 10, Microsft new insight of Windows 8, Malaysia International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards Night and upcoming one will be JCI Mines Installation Night. Done watching the flight movie as well as the 3 hours long cloud atlas movie.

(9) Made some BIG change
OMG, I CUT MY HAIR. I always want a long and wavy hair. Now, everything start from new. I have my short hair now, thanks to A Cut Above. NO regret for what is done thought. I feel lighter. I gain some weight  since Chinese New Year. 5 kg more. So gonna kill it off during my school start, back to the gym room.

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