Monday, October 8, 2012

Malaysia International Jewellery Fair 2012 @ KL Convention Center

*Waving*, aloha readers. It has been 5 days since my last post. Yes, as I totally submerge in the single bit of the event thus it makes me drain off all my energy when I reach home. For the pass few day I sleep early and wake up early. SATISFIED. Thanks for the organizer giving me this opportunity to get involve in this awesome event. This is my first time working for BIG event. I learn A LOT.

Well, first to share is about friendship. I build my friendship with my partner who assigned under the same counter as I do- Credit Card Assistant. Not a tough work but you must be alert and efficient when there is customer in front of you. First day of briefing, we got Abang teaching us by demoing the machine. Then have short Q and A session. Soon, we play with it until it is paperless. Opss. At least we got to know the machine well before the day start. Right? Well for get to introduce my 5 days best partner- Serina and Joyce. Thanks to them, they are nice person in helping me whenever I need. Most of other department is not introduce to us. So I only get to mix well among our section.

 My Fan Wei Qi look friend. =) She says I look like Kelly Chen.
Some of the customer says we look like soemone from Hong Kong, some says we look like sisters.
My bunny sister =D 

Besides, we meet a lot of exhibitors. I get to learn about their pattern. Their wants and needs. Example, usually the exhibitor will come to our credit card counter to do the transaction together with their customer. There are one of the exhibitor that will their customer to come themselves to the counter. So we know she is not other than Hilary Swatches Co. Since we trust her, so we have no doubt about it. Besides, we got Asrey who always need stapler from us, CNG International Thailand who needs 3 copies of receipts, Henry Jewellery Pte Ltd (HK)- Mike-C05, International Jewellery Ltd. CHJ, Amy Gems, Jewel Bag, Nanyo, Tanaka and etc. Understanding their behavior give you an advantages to mix well with the exhibitor and enable us to give the maximize satisfaction service to both exhibitors and customers. Walking all the way to our counter is quite a distance for some of the exhibitors, but knowing you are truly nice person, they don't mind to walk all the way to your place to use your service. Besides, trust is important to build the bridge for them to looking forward to work with you in future time.

Hilary hilary =) I love her! She is one of the exhibitor.
She says she want to see me in the next fair. Haha, I hope so.

Good working environment is provided to us, including lunch and tea time. Wow, this is the best treatment I got so far since I work in some other area as well. Fantastic lunch at 1pm and superb tea time, we got 1901 Hot Dog, Cold Storage Fried Chicken, Cheese Flavor Roti Boy. All these I never tried before, and perhaps I am the person more into FOOD. Hm, Hin Choong secure us from the worry of what and where to eat our lunch. Thanks.

We got a lot of ups and downs for our work, example exhibitors complaints and customer complaints. We got people like Datin shouting in front of us, which pointing at the wrong authority to scold about. We always smile to her and say sorry we can't help. Sometimes, it makes me think, is money everything? Knowledge is even more worthy that your money and title. I gonna say, SO WHAT if you got a title. You are still a normal human like I do. Second question arise, does woman made a bad event management? I am not sure. We are expect to do things more than the requirement do. We don't mind actually, cause I got to learn more than anyone else does.

Present for me and Serina from our small boss.

I get to know new public transport route, get to first using touch and goal. Go to know KLCC well and better than I do last time. We people use to go to a place to eat, shopping then go home. We didn't actually go and explore around the place nearby. Haha, I first time taking public transport myself early morning and have a nice nasi lemak breakfast in KL convention center. The price is not economy but the environment is good. First time helping my friend to make up, um that she likes it a lot. 0.0 I am not very good in helping others to do make up though I am still a beginner. Learn a lot from magazine and Youtube.

5 days seems short, yet I can write a book about what I discover for these 5 days. A lot of funny, happy,sad and angry story to tell. I am glad to be here and have these experience. God, I am developing. Soft and hard skill. I am fast learner. As I end up being very familiar with the credit card machine. Learn to speak in Japanese, Cantonese, Malay, English and Chinese. You got to turn your channel very fast and switch when you talking to a foreign customer and Cantonese Exhibitor.

I truly hope I got chance to work again with these kind of work. Specially having nice partner around. It is SO SO nice.

 Joyce, the one who take care of us!

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