Wednesday, September 26, 2012

10 Rituals to Success

1. You and Yourself
Spend 30 minutes to an hour for yourself. For busy people, they use to give excuses like, I don't have enough time for that. Yet you can choose to space up the time before you sleep or after you wake up. Do planning for your whole day or week. You can even read some motivation book such as <<THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI>> by Robin Sharma. This can light up your whole day with laughter and positive thought will flow in your soul and your mind.

2. Physical Care
No doubt exercise is important. there are 168 hours in a week. If you can take 30 minutes from each day to exercise, simple action like walk to school if you are a student, take staircase instead of escalator. Practice Yoga or swim in the morning or evening. You can skip a meal but don't skip exercise. Exercise can help you to have a fresh and alert mind. And it help you to control you breath too! So you won't act with you anger when you get frustrated.

3. Nourishment
Everyday a page of a book or write something meaningful through blog, diary or anywhere that there can help you to express your positive thought and spread this good aura to your colleague, friends and family. This is boost up your self confidence as well as your social circle. Wisdom is vital key of success.

4. Knowledge
Spend time reading book or online article is better than you spending time reading junk mail and replying sms. The real wealth is knowledge, the wealth that cannot be taken by others. Start reading now, don't give yourself any excuse of you have no resources of it. Library, online (PULSE), and etc. Professional people don't success in a day. They read, they digest what they read. The present what they read to get a better understanding.

5. Reflection
Do you ever feel that your day past by just like that. And when people ask about your day and you have nothing to say about, but there are words stuck in between your heart. Well, write down a day of thought, write about lesson you have learnt today. There is no mistake but lesson. Write about what you appreciate around you, your family, your pets, you meeting of a stranger of else. Reflect and learn what is the best. Keep improving your life and people around you. If you want to make the Earth a better place to stay.


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